
How to secure your Business’ Intellectual Property

Do you create and send highly sensitive and confidential resources or documents? 

What are the legal or reputation costs if your data got into the wrong hands? 

Lab Learning Clinic provides specialist assessment and therapy services to help people with learning difficulties and disabilities. They work with clients in-person throughout the Hunter region and across Australia.

Lab Learning Clinic’s educational resources, health information and assessments are highly sensitive documents. They are sent across the country to allied health professionals, like psychologists, speech pathologists and occupational therapists, as well as parents, schools and carers. This requires business systems that can cope with confidential documents.

How do they ensure all their intellectual property and confidential documents are protected and secure? 

Director and Founder, Natalie Williamson came to Gravity IT with this exact problem. 

“We’re a local business who helps clients from around the country. We wanted to make sure all our information was secure but we needed experts to help us. That’s where Gravity IT came into the picture,” said Natalie. 

“It’s actually illegal for the wrong people to get access to our confidential documents, and there would be a significant costs for our business should this ever happen. 

“Before we worked with Gravity IT, our IT system was best described as self-taught and involved lots of Googling.” 

Protecting client privacy 

Lab Learning Clinic have streamlined their practices by shifting their database to the Microsoft 365 Suite and SharePoint. Staff can easily access the resources on these online-based platforms without fear of anything going missing or an accidental data breach. 

Through their new IT system, all staff members from directors through to therapists, have unique access permissions. Natalie can now choose whether certain documents can be edited, who can see those documents and for how long. 

“We have one main area everyone works from – SharePoint. It’s all so easy to find, saving us time, stress and resources,” said Natalie. 

“Our company has grown from four to 40 people and our IT system has seamlessly grown with us. We now have a long-term IT solution that’s given our business and the people we serve a bright future.” 

Securing long-term relationships  

At Gravity IT we work to understand the nuances of your business’ IT problems and create custom solutions that work for the long-term success of your business. 

Lab Learning Clinic continue to rely on Gravity IT when they need help or advice.  

“When we needed to quickly move to a 100% online structure during the pandemic, the Gravity IT team were able to transition our staff and clients to our Online Hub overnight because of the solid systems we already had in place,” Natalie said. 

“They’re our go-to people for IT advice, and after a simple email to them, our problem is addressed within the hour.” 

If you’d like to secure your company’s intellectual property and make sure you comply with stringent confidentiality requirements, our team can give you a reliable, flexible solution that works.